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Authentic Assam Tea

6 total reviews

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Rs. 1,000.00
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Rs. 1,000.00
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Our century old blending technique has brought you the authentic black tea from majestic plains of Assam region and infused with Goodwyn magic.

Benefits: Boosts Heart Health, Strengthens the Immune System, Beats Fatigue, Controls Cholesterol

Key Ingredients: Assam Black Tea

    Authentic Assam Tea
    Authentic Assam Tea
    Authentic Assam Tea
    Authentic Assam Tea
    Authentic Assam Tea
    Authentic Assam Tea
    Authentic Assam Tea
    Authentic Assam Tea
    Authentic Assam Tea
    Authentic Assam Tea
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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 6 reviews
    Rahul Mehta
    Regarding the taste

    Don't know why but the tea bags does not mix well in a cup.
    This tea I have experienced in kerela first time in a hotel and I urge to orders the same, but the tea bags that I have ordered tastes completly different. Please treat it as serious.
    Regards from punab.

    Ramanjaneyulu Ravipati

    Authentic Assam Tea

    Hrishikesh Kakoti

    Authentic Assam Tea

    Dr Hiren Desai

    Authentic Assam Tea

    Kethaki Mohan

    Authentic Assam Tea